I'm Rawan Jibawi

Computer Science Graduate

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About Me

Who AM I?

Hi I'm Rawan Jibawi, As a fresh graduate, I am embarking on an exciting journey filled with potential and enthusiasm. Throughout my academic career, I have demonstrated a strong dedication to learning and a passion for personal growth. With a solid foundation in Computer Science, I am equipped with the essential knowledge and skills to make a meaningful contribution in the professional world..

As a highly motivated individual, I possess excellent communication skills, enabling me to effectively collaborate and engage with diverse teams. I have a proven track record of leadership, having taken on various responsibilities and initiatives during my academic tenure. With a strong work ethic and a positive attitude, I am committed to continuous personal and professional growth.

Mobile Developer

Web Developer

I am happy to know you
that 50+ projects done sucessfully!

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My skills & expertise

Web Development: HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Utilized HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create interactive web applications.

Serve-Side Web Development: PHP and PHP-based Database Integration

Developed server-side web applications using PHP and integrated databases.

Mobile Application Development: XML and Java

Designed user interfaces using XML and developed interactive mobile applications with Java.

Object-Oriented Design: Java

Applied object-oriented design principles using Java programming language.

Data Structures and Algorithms

Extensive study of data structures and algorithms to solve complex programming challenges.

Computer Networking

Knowledge and understanding of computer networking principles.

Linux (Ubuntu)

Proficient in using Linux (Ubuntu) operating system.

Windows OS

Experience working with Windows operating system.

Version Control System (Git and GitHub)

Proficient in using Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration.

IT-Project Management

Skills in managing IT projects effectively.

Software Engineering

Understanding and application of software engineering principles.


Courses & ScholarShips

English Access Microscholarship Program (Access 13)+-

March, 2018 - February, 2020

Successfully completed a two-year intensive English Access Microscholarship Program sponsored by the U.S. Embassy, Lebanon

Meta Backend Certification+-

February, 2023 - Present

The Meta Backend Certification is a recognized credential that demonstrates proficiency in backend development techniques and technologies. Completed modules including Introduction to Back-End, Programming in Python, Version Control, and Introduction to Database for Back-End Development, actively pursuing proficiency in remaining areas.

Intro to AI+-

HTML & CSS Course+-

Successfully completed a course on HTML5 and CSS3 on Pirple.com.
HTML: Doctypes, head, body, paragraph, div, header, footer, main, lists, images, links.

CSS: Selectors, rules, properties, padding, margin, borders, background color, font size, text alignment, inheritance, type selectors, direct descendants, classes, IDs, specifcity, advanced selectors, mobile responsiveness (responsive web design).

get in touch


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